
The American Congress declared war upon Germany April 6, 1917, World War I. It declared war on Japan December 8, 1941 by vote of 82-0 in United States Senate and by vote of 388-1 in United States House of Representatives. On December 11, 1941 Senate and House passed resolutions declaring state of war existed between Germany and United States and United States and Italy. The Senate vote on German resolution was 88-0; and 90-0 on Italian resolution. In House of Representatives vote on German resolution was 393-0; and on Italian resolution, 399-0, World War II. Thus, twice in twenty-four years, American people have found themselves facing ruthless hostility of Germany and those associated with her in two wars which have come be referred as World War I and World War II. The historical background of causes of both of these conflicts is be found in rooted racial hatreds, international jealousies of peoples, rulers and dictators; and, primarily, barbaric tyrannies of self-called Master Race seeking subjection and destruction of those governments and peoples that set themselves in opposition such programs of subjection and destruction under might of arch enemy of civilized mankind. Curiously enough, United States was not directly party contentions and resentments which finally brought on either of these wars. Yet, drawn by inescapable forces, it was compelled enter both by broadminded sympathies which, long beforehand, had been resolutely expressed by outraged public opinion. The forces of aggression, seeking domination of world, have never been highly regarded by our nation. Founded upon idealistic principles as declared in our Declaration of Independence, our Federal Constitution, and our Bill of Rights, nation of freedom-loving people could not complacently sit by wayside as treaties were regarded as scraps of paper, when innocent, independent nations were being atrociously outraged and subjected every possible barbarity in catalog of infamy by Central Powers in World War I, and enemy countries following same pattern in World War II. All of catchwords of democracy, liberty, and freedom have been invoked in both wars stir emotions of American people a fight for humanity, equality, republicanism against absolutism, the rights and self-determination of small nations, to make world safe for democracy. Oppressed peoples were be freed by us and our Allies in World War I. How war came America in 1917, survey of events leading up World War I, has been set forth by writer in his

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