
The magnetic behaviour of small additions of the first row transition metals Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni dissolved in hexagonal Fe 7Se 8 was studied using magnetic susceptibility data. Two series of samples were prepared containing either 3 or 10 at.% solute metal. The results of both series are in good agreement as far as Ti, V, Cr and Mn are concerned. The effective magnetic moment is drastically reduced upon the addition of Ti and V, whereas the influence of Cr and Mn is rather weak if not negligible and opposite in sign. The changes brought about by small amounts of Co and Ni are also insignificant while larger amounts of Co and Ni rapidly decrease the effective magnetic moment. The experimental results are discussed by two limiting approaches applying either the localized or the itinerant description of the d-electrons. Neither of the two concepts is adequate to explain the data indicating that the d-electrons are neither localized nor fully itinerant.

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