
About two years ago a young man, who had undergone a double castration, presented himself to Gersuny 1 with the complaint that, being obliged to go before the military medical board of Austria for examination, it would be humiliating to display his defect. Gersuny, having incidentally observed, in connection with certain therapeutic measures, that paraffin of a low melting point, when injected into the tissues of the body, remained indefinitely without reaction, conceived the idea of substituting paraffin prothesis for the absent members. He injected various quantities of paraffin at different times, and accomplished the desired result, which he reported shortly afterwards, together with the details of his technique. The success of his first trial encouraged Gersuny to make other applications of his treatment. The second patient, 2 a woman, suffered from absolute incontinence of the urine, which had resisted repeated operations for its relief. The urethra was widely dilated

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