
As a matter of fact, climate change is transforming the contemporary way of building. Stilt houses constitute another yet glamorous mystery of prehistoric “small/big world”. It is about permanent human constructions in water areas (usually lakes or lagoons), which appeared 8.000 years ago. People live up to now, in such a dwelling type, located on shallow water areas such as seaside, lakes or rivers worldwide. Although in Greece, the first stilt settlements appeared in the Neolithic era, the later stilt settlements in Mesologgi Lagoon area, are also important. The aim of this research is to discuss how this Greek diachronic stilt house type, in Mesologgi Lagoon area, will be the solution to the climate change constructions. Nowadays, stilt or floating architecture is linked to the usable land’s deficiency for building structures, which due to residential evolution, economic growth and transportation, belongs to the most important environmental pressures on landscapes worldwide, especially in urbanized areas. According to climate change progress and temperature increase, usable land in urban areas will be limited due to the continuous development expansion for residence. Concluding, the stilt house type is the future worldwide type of residence, as an answer to the climate change and the environmental damage.

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