
The article is devoted to the analysis of the special parabolic structure of the evangelical parables. It is not only about the actual literary understanding of the parabola as a stylistic device, with the help of which foreign language expression is carried out, but also about a mathematical graph – a curved curve, divided at the point of intersection into two symmetrical branches. In the structure of the evangelical parable, these branches can be represented as real-factographic and symbolic interpretive plans, between which there is a direct semantic dependence. All narrative situations that make up the real plan of the parable and are represented by the right branch of the parabola must be interpreted in the same sequence to build a symmetrical left branch. In the article, the parabolic structure of two symmetrical plans is demonstrated on the example of two gospel parables well-known in culture: The Parable of the Prodigal Son [Luk. 15, 11 32] and Proverbs about ten virgins [Matt. 15, 1–11]. Obviously, a similar way of interpretive reading of the Gospel parables can be qualified as a fullfledged hermeneutic technique of analysis of other biblical works.

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