
Maxillary canines are the second most commonly impacted teeth, with mandibular third molars being the most commonly impacted teeth. One-third of the impacted maxillary canines are labially impacted, and the remaining two-thirds are palatally impacted. Palatally impacted canines (PICs) comprise approximately 1% to 2.5% of the general population. These impactions can be managed with preventive, interceptive techniques or surgical uncovering. If preventive or interceptive measures are unsuccessful in allowing the canine to erupt, there are many techniques that can be employed to uncover the PIC. Canines that are very superficially impacted can be uncovered with a simple gingivectomy. Canines that are more deeply impacted will require flap reflection, bone removal, and the placement of some type of orthodontic bracket. Most often, the surgeon will attach a chain to the impacted tooth so the orthodontist can immediately begin movement with some form of traction device. The preorthodontic uncovering technique (POUT) allows spontaneous eruption of the impacted tooth without active orthodontic force. When this technique is employed early (approximately 6 months before orthodontic treatment is initiated), it will save considerable time and trauma in erupting these teeth. Research has shown that this technique decreases orthodontic treatment time to properly position these teeth. In addition, this technique has been shown to be healthier for the bone and root structure of the impacted tooth and surrounding teeth. This article elucidates the benefits of the POUT when uncovering simple and very complicated PICs.

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