
Contents Preface * Introduction * PART 1: ORIGINS AND CONSEQUENCES * Chapter 1. He Sure Doesn't Look Depressed * What Is Depression? * What Is Masculine Depression? * How Is Masculine Depression Different from Feminine Depression? * What Are the Solutions to Masculine Depression? Chapter 2. Family Influences * What Are the Family Roots of Masculine Depression? * How Are Family Relationships Structured? * How Does Family Structure Influence a Boy's Development? * How Do Peer Groups Influence Family Dynamics? * How Do Negative Masculine Childhood Experiences Lead to Relationship Problems in Adulthood? * How Does a Problematic Mother-Son Relationship Contribute to Masculine Depression? * How Does a Problematic Father-Son Relationship Contribute to Masculine Depression? * How Does Peer Socialization Lead to Masculine Depression? * How Can Men Develop Healthy (As Opposed to Traditional) Masculinity? * Chapter 3. Inhumane Treatment Leads to Inhumane Behavior: The Socialization Process The Socialization Process * What Are Gender Messages? * What Differences Are Found in the Physical and Social Environments of Males and Females? * What Are the Major Sex Differences in Childhood Gender Socialization? * What Role Does Reward and Punishment Play in Gender Stereotyping? * What Is the Single Most Powerful Gender Socialization Process for Males? * What Other Influences Have an Effect on Behavior? * How Do Individual Males Respond to Masculine Socialization? * What Are the Links Between Masculine Socialization and Gender Identity? * How Does a Father's Inaccessibility Influence a Boy's Socialization? * How Is Masculine Socialization Linked to Masculine Depression? * Chapter 4. The Masculine Dilemma: Too Close, Not Too Far Away * What Is the Masculine Dilemma? * What Does the Masculine Dilemma Look Like? * How Does Dissociation from Contribute to the Masculine Dilemma? * How Do Men and Women Tend to Differ in a Relationship? * How Does the Masculine Dilemma Affect Intimacy? 77 Summary of Part 1 * PART 11: REMEDIES * Introduction to Part 11 * Chapter 5. Empathy for Self and Responsibility for Change * What Do Dissociated Feelings Feel Like? * How Do Find Expression? * How Do You Begin to Feel Feelings? * How Can Men Learn the Importance of Expressing Feelings? * Is Identifying the Same As Empathy? * What Helps Men Change Their Views of Themselves? * What Are the ABCs of Change? * Chapter 6. Relation to Other Men * How Are Traditional Masculinity and Masculine Depression Connected to Relationships with One Another? * Isn't This What the Men's Movement Tried to Do Connect Men to Other Men?* What Do Men Really Need from Other Men? * Why Are Relationships with Other Men So Vital to the Healing Process in Men? * How Do Traditional Relationships with Other Men Maintain the Problem? * What Do Men Have to Offer One Another? * How Can an Inexperienced Man Form an Authentic Friendship with Another Man? * How Can Relationships with Men Change Dependency on Women? * What Are the ABCs of Change? * Chapter 7. Relation to Women * What Is Empathy? * What Do Men Need to Develop Empathy for Their Partners? * What Masculine Needs Most Impair Relational Skills? * What Is Narcissism? * Why Do Men Lack Empathy for Women in Intimate Relationships? * How Does One Overcome Masculine Narcissism? * What Steps Can Men Take to Acquire Skills for Successful Relationships? * How Do You Recognize a Power Struggle? * How Do You Fight Fairly Without Abuse or Capitulation? * How Can Men Learn to Be Mates and Not Masters? * What Is the Best Way to Talk? * What Are the ABCs of Change? * Chapter 8. Relations with Family * What Happens to Fathers in Problemati

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