
Pyricularia oryzae (synonym Magnaporthe oryzae) is a plant pathogen causing major yield losses in cultivated rice and wheat. The P-type ATPases play important roles in cellular processes of fungi, plants, and animals via transporting specific substrates through ATP hydrolysis. Here, we characterized the roles of a P5-ATPase, Spf1, in the development and virulence of P. oryzae. Deletion of SPF1 led to decreased hyphal growth and conidiation, delayed spore germination and appressorium formation, reduced penetration and invasive hyphal extension, and attenuated virulence. Appressorium turgor, however, was not affected by deletion of SPF1. The co-localization of Spf1-GFP and an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) marker protein, Lhs1-DsRed2, indicated that Spf1 is an ER-localized P5-ATPase. An ER stress factor, 0.5μg/ml tunicamycin (TUNI), inhibited the growth of ∆spf1, but another ER stress factor, 5mM dithiothreitol (DTT), promoted the growth of ∆spf1. Treatment with chemicals for oxidative stress (5mM H2O2 and 0.8mM paraquat) also promoted the growth of ∆spf1. Gene expression assays showed that unfolded protein response (UPR) components KAR2, OST1, PMT1, ERV29, PDI1, SCJ1, SEC61, a Ca2+ channel-related P-type ATPase gene PMR1, and a calcineurin-dependent transcription factor CRZ1 were significantly up-regulated in ∆spf1, suggesting activation of UPR in the mutant. These lines of experimental evidence indicate that SPF1 is involved in some basal ER mechanisms of P. oryzae including UPR pathway and responses to ER related stresses, therefore, affecting fungal development and virulence. However, the detailed mechanism between Spf1 and virulence still awaits future researches.

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