
RATIONALE: The Asthma Insight and Management (AIM) survey is the largest and most comprehensive survey of asthma burden and management conducted in the US in over a decade. We present AIM survey data relating to asthma burden. METHODS: A total of 60,682 households were screened. Phone interviews were conducted with a national random sample of 2500 asthma patients aged ≥12y. RESULTS: AIM survey results showed that these patients experience asthma symptoms frequently (mean=4.9 times/wk during preceding 4wks). These symptoms were often sudden and/or severe, as indicated by 25% of patients having a severe asthma episode ≥1 time/mo and 62% of patients experiencing ≥1 sudden/severe episode of coughing, wheezing, or chest tightness during the preceding 12mo (37% reporting symptoms ≥1 time/wk). Also during the preceding 12mo period, 26% of patients required an asthma-related urgent care visit, 15% an asthma-related emergency room visit, and/or 6% an asthma-related hospitalization. Asthma also impacted daily activities, with 41% of patients reporting that asthma interfered with lifestyle “some”or “a lot,” specifically interference with daily activities (30%), sleeping (27%), social activities (25%), normal physical exertion (39%), and sports/recreation (45%). Asthma effects on productivity were also noted, with 22% of patients missing school/work during the preceding 12mo (mean=17.8d missed). Asthma was associated with a psychological burden for patients: within the past 12mo, 28% reported being “often” or “sometimes” in fear regarding their asthma and 36% experienced what they considered a life-threatening asthma episode. CONCLUSIONS: Asthma places a substantial burden on the physical, psychosocial, and productivity aspects of patients' lives.

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