
AS A YOUNG GIRL came into the grocery store, clerk gave her playful twirk of the nose. Some time later on, when septal abscess and saddle nose developed, her father sued the groceryman for $4,000 damages. In the preparation of this case, the attorney for the defense uncovered an important bit of evidence. It appears that three days after the playful twirk of the nose the mother had struck the child a violent blow across the face, after which the nose swelled, the septal abscess developed, and the deformity occurred. Two consulting otolaryngologists, testifying for the defense, were asked the same hypothetic question: If (on certain date) the child received 'playful twirk' of the nose and three days later sustained 'violent blow' across the face, which of these injuries in your opinion most probably would have produced the septal abscess and the subsequent

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