
The onset of ossification centres of the pectoral girdle and wing skeleton of the quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) has been studied in embryos and juvenile birds, which were sampled daily from the 4th day of incubation up to the 12th day after hatching. Specimens, which were cleared and were stained with Alcian Blue and Alizarin Red S, were examined at the stereomicroscope. The furcula ossified with intramembranous ossification at the 7th day of incubation. The first centres of perichondral ossification in the scapula and the coracoid bones were observed at the 7th day of incubation. In the humerus, radius and ulna, perichondral ossification was observed at the 6th day of incubation. The carpal bones were ossified between the 8th and 10th day of the post-hatching period. The 2nd metacarpal bone began to ossify at the 6th day of the post-hatching period, whereas the 3rd and 4th metacarpal bones were ossified at the 7th day of incubation. At the 9th day of incubation, ossification was observed in the 1st phalanx of the alular digit and in the phalanges of the major digit. The 2nd phalanx of the alular digit began to ossify at the 12th, whereas the phalanx of the minor digit at the 14th day of incubation. The data presented here provide useful baseline information on the normal sequential pattern of ossification in the pectoral girdle and wing skeleton in this species.

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