
Osteoclasts (OCLs) are hematopoietic cells whose physiological function is to degrade bone. OCLs are key players in the processes that determine and maintain the mass, shape, and physical properties of bone. OCLs adhere to bone tightly and degrade its matrix by secreting protons and proteases onto the underlying surface. The combination of low pH and proteases degrades the mineral and protein components of the matrix and forms a resorption pit; the degraded material is internalized by the cell and then secreted into the circulation. Insufficient or excessive activity of OCLs can lead to significant changes in bone and either cause or exacerbate symptoms of diseases, as in osteoporosis, osteopetrosis, and cancer-induced bone lysis. OCLs are derived from monocyte-macrophage precursor cells whose origins are in two distinct embryonic cell lineages - erythromyeloid progenitor cells of the yolk sac, and hematopoietic stem cells. OCLs are formed in a multi-stage process that is induced by the cytokines M-CSF and RANKL, during which the cells differentiate, fuse to form multi-nucleated cells, and then differentiate further to become mature, bone-resorbing OCLs. Recent studies indicate that OCLs can undergo fission in vivo to generate smaller cells, called "osteomorphs", that can be "re-cycled" by fusing with other cells to form new OCLs. In this review we describe OCLs and discuss their cellular origins and the cellular and molecular events that drive osteoclastogenesis.

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