
Italy was one of the most peculiar protagonists of the ‘great season’ of State-owned enterprises (SOEs) in post-Second World War Europe. Public managers, in turn, were among the major players in shaping the rise, performance and cultural patterns of the Italian mixed economy. Within this ruling group, a significant role was played by Marcello Boldrini, statistician of international renown ‘lent’ to the State oil industry thanks to his friendship with Ente Nazionale Idrocarburi (Eni)’s founder, Enrico Mattei. The essay highlights Boldrini’s contribution to the elaboration of Eni’s cultural strategy, focused on the reflection concerning the role played by the SOE in the economic development process. Secondly, the international profile of his work as a public manager is analysed, particularly with respect to the relationships between Eni and the emerging oil producing countries, based on an innovative partnership system to whose elaboration and fulfilment Boldrini authoritatively contributed.

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