
AbstractThe conventional mechanism for dolomitization in evaporitic basins is by drawdown‐related reflux of brines, but it seems that ascending brines were responsible in the case of basal Zechstein (Wuchiapingian) strata. Dolomite of basinal sections of the Zechstein Limestone in SW Poland show mostly fabric‐destructive dolomitization and wide δ18OVPDB and δ13CVPDB ranges (−3.78 to 6.47‰ and −1.64 to +5.3‰ respectively). The maximum δ18O value reflects the temperature of dolomitizing fluid equal to approximately 38°C, if the δ18O of water = +4‰ is assumed. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the dolomite samples vary from 0.707924 to 0.711164 and are clearly enriched with respect to the contemporaneous seawater values. The basinal dolomites have originated owing to interaction of low‐temperature brines from the underlying red beds and hypersaline brines originated during the Zechstein evaporite deposition. The conventional concept connecting the highly radiogenic strontium values recorded in dolomites with the overlying formations, and thus implying the reflux mechanism of dolomitization, should be re‐evaluated.

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