
Context. Globular clusters in the Milky Way are thought to have either an in situ origin, or to have been deposited in the Galaxy by past accretion events, like the spectacular Sagittarius dwarf galaxy merger. Aims. We probe the origin of the recently discovered globular cluster FSR 1758, often associated with some past merger event and which happens to be projected toward the Galactic bulge. We performed a detailed study of its Galactic orbit, and assign it to the most suitable Galactic component. Methods. We employed three different analytical time-independent potential models to calculate the orbit of the cluster by using the Gauss Radau spacings integration method. In addition, a time-dependent bar potential model is added to account for the influence of the Galactic bar. We ran a large suite of simulations via a Montecarlo method to account for the uncertainties in the initial conditions. Results. We confirm previous indications that the globular cluster FSR 1758 possesses a retrograde orbit with high eccentricity. The comparative analysis of the orbital parameters of star clusters in the Milky Way, in tandem with recent metallicity estimates, allows us to conclude that FSR 1758 is indeed a Galactic bulge intruder. The cluster can therefore be considered an old metal-poor halo globular cluster formed in situ that is passing right now in the bulge region. Its properties, however, can be roughly accounted for by also assuming that the cluster is part of some stream of extra-Galactic origin. Conclusions. We conclude that assessing the origin, either Galactic or extra-galactic, of globular clusters is surely a tantalising task. In any case, by using an Occam’s razor argument, we tend to prefer an in situ origin for FSR 1758.

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