
We study a series of new energy sources of the Gaussian energy group SU(6), SU(12), SU(24), ….etc. called intelligences which created consciousness and which are responsible for the creation of everything of this universe. The effective quantity and quality of the consciousness of the earth-like planet where living elements were found depends on environment and place of position within the galaxy or cluster or super cluster etc. & mechanical structure of the planet. The said energy sources created consciousness within the living cell and also controlled the whole universe with the symmetry breaking of the energy group SU(11) ( SU(6)  SU(5)  U(1)); SU(23); SU(47);…… etc.). In the living body, generally consciousness controlled by the self gravitational force of the energy group SU(6) and plays with biological revolution. But consciousness level of any living body including human group and also inanimate objects is particularly controlled by SU(12), SU(24), ….etc. We examine the quantum measurement, using the Wheeler DeWitt wave equation over the complex space-time R + iRI of (4+D) dimensions, where D is an extra dimensions. We know that the quantum super-positions will continually be reaching the Di�� si-Penrose (DP) threshold for in non- biological settings as well as in biological ones, and usually take place in the purely random environment of a quantum system under measurement through the symmetry breaking of the Generalized Gaussian Energy Group from infinity i.e. from Big-Rip singularity when RI →∞. I. Introduction: Masao Ito wrote that it may be take another half century to bring psychology into the field of neuroscience. This statement reflects the difficulty of extending knowledge about the pivotal role of the cerebellum from the domain of motor control to the cognitive domain. The shift of information processing from divergence to convergence in cerebella micro-complexes (Ito) parallels the shift from coherence to de-coherence in quantum information processing (LIoyd). Consciousness defines our existence: It was proposed by Roger Penrose and Stuart Hameroff in the mid of 1990s that consciousness depends on biologically quantum computations in collections of microtubules within brain neurons, that these quantum computations correlate with and regulate neuronal activity, and that the continuous Schro dinger evolution of each quantum computation terminates in accordance with the specific Dio΄si − Penrose(DP) scheme of Objective Reduction of the quantum state (OR). This orchestrated OR activity (Orch OR) is taken to result in a moment of conscious awareness and / or choice. This particular (DP) from of OR is taken to be a quantum-gravity process related to the fundamentals of space-time geometry with complex scale factor R+ iRI in the large scale of the universe, where R is the 4-dimensional universe and iRI (= a), the internal space-time of the extra-dimension D, which may be compared with the Kaluza-Klein cosmology. Hence solving the WDW equation of the wave function instead of Shro dingers wave equation, we get a remarkable solutions of the wave function of the variable RI (where RI = − R 2 ) in the tachyonic and pseudo-tachyonic universe, which assume as the source of intelligence or consciousness in the universe starting from Big-Rip singularity i.e. from the infinite space-time. Again Orch OR suggests a connection between brain bio-molecular processes and fine scale structure of the universe. There were three general assumption regarding the origin and place of consciousness in the universe have been commonly expressed as 1). Consciousness is not an independent quality but arose as a natural evolutionary consequence of the biological adaptation of brain and nervous system. 2). Consciousness is a quality that has always been in the universe. 3). Precursors of consciousness have always been in the universe; biology evolved a mechanism to convert conscious precursors to actual consciousness. The quantum cosmology explain an appropriate quantum mechanical description of the universe, which was introduced and developed by DeWitt. In quantum cosmology the universe, as a whole is treated quantum mechanically and is described by a single wave function, Ψ(hij , Φ) defined on a manifold (super spaces) of all possible three geometries and all mater field configurations. The wave function Ψ(hij , Φ) has no explicit time dependence due to the fact that there is no real time parameter external to the Einsteins universe. Therefore, there is no Shro dingers wave equation but the operator version of the Hamiltonian constraint of the Dirac canonical quantization procedure, namely vanishing of the variation of the Einstein-Hilbert action S with respect to the arbitrary lapse function N. Thus H = δS δN = 0, which is written as H Ψ(hij , Φ) = 0. This equation is known as the Wheeler-DeWitt (WDW) equation. The goal of quantum cosmology by solving the WDW equation over


  • Masao Ito wrote that it may be take another half century to bring psychology into the field of neuroscience

  • This circumstance is considered so undesirable for physics that most physicists believe in the so-called cosmic censorship hypothesis due to Penrose (1969): naked singularities cannot form from gravitational collapse

  • In the theories of symmetry breaking, it is important to find the subgroups of special unitary group

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Masao Ito wrote that it may be take another half century to bring psychology into the field of neuroscience. This orchestrated OR activity (Orch OR) is taken to result in a moment of conscious awareness and / or choice This particular (DP) from of OR is taken to be a quantum-gravity process related to the fundamentals of space-time geometry with complex scale factor R+ iRI in the large scale of the universe, where R is the 4-dimensional Einstein‟s universe and iRI (= a), the internal space-time of the extra-dimension. In quantum cosmology the universe, as a whole is treated quantum mechanically and is described by a single wave function, Ψ(hij , Φ) defined on a manifold (super spaces) of all possible three geometries and all mater field configurations. The complex space (R+ iRI) is to understand the origin and source of consciousness and the intelligence, the evolution and the biological revolution of the universe.

The Nature and Fundamental Problems of Quantum Mechanics
Goldstone‟s Theorem with Symmetry Breaking
Thermodynamics with gravity
VIII. Creation of Black-Holes
The conceptual Foundations of Thermo-statistics
The Generalized “First law” of thermodynamics
XIII. Generalized Special Unitary Group
Important Subgroup
XVII. Unified Field
XVIII. Intelligence
Super Unified Field
Concluding Remarks
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