
We have used thermoluminescence (TL) and EPR measurements of Photosystem II (PS II) from spinach in order to identify charge pairs responsible for TL bands in the region of 40–50°C including the ‘C-band’ (peak V) and the TL band from PS II depleted of calcium. In intact PS II membrane preparations, in the presence of DCMU, a TL band at 50°C is induced following illumination at 77 K. This band decays, at 30°C, with a half-time of 10 min. This decay corresponds to the disappearance of the EPR signal arising from Q A − and an accelerated decay of the organic free radical Tyr D +. It is concluded that recombination of this charge pair is probably responsible for the thermoluminescence emission. In PS II preparations that have been depleted of calcium using a salt/EGTA wash followed by rebinding of the extrinsic polypeptides, a TL band is produced at around 45–50°C following 198 K illumination. In such samples a stable S 2 state of the water-splitting complex is present, giving rise to a modified form of the EPR multiline signal. During incubation at 30°C in the dark this signal decays with a half-time around 20–25 min. This decay is not accelerated by the presence of Q A − induced by low-temperature illumination of the sample. In contrast, low-temperature illumination does result in an acceleration in the decay of Tyr D +, indicating that Tyr D +/Q − A recombination is again the dominant origin of thermoluminescence. In PS II depleted of calcium by incubation at pH 4.0, the possibility that TL emission temperature is determined by a change in the mid-point redox potential of Q A (Krieger, A. and Weis, E. (1992) Photosynthetica 27, 89–98) was investigated by comparing TL from equivalent samples of control and Ca 2+-depleted PS II. It was shown that the emission temperature of the high temperature TL band induced by illumination at 77 K did not differ significantly between control and treated samples, suggesting that, under the conditions used, the potential of Q A does not change significantly.

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