
Numerical cladistic analysis of 73 cranial and postcranial characters has resulted in a highly corroborated hypothesis describing the phylogenetic pattern of early avian evolution. Using “non-avian theropod” dinosaurs as a comparative outgroup and root for the tree, the analysis confirmed Archaeopteryx to be the sister-group of all remaining avian taxa, or Ornithurae. This latter taxon is subdivided into two lineages, the Hesperornithiformes and the Carinatae. The carinates, in turn, were also resolved into two sister-groups, the Ichthyornithiformes and the modern birds, or Neornithes. This paper provides morphological data corroborating the divergence of the two basal clades of the Neornithes: the Palaeognathae (tinamous and ratites) and Neognathae (all other modern birds). The phylogenetic relationships of four important Cretaceous taxa were also investigated, but these fossil taxa were too fragmentary to determine their phylogenetic position unambiguously. Alexornis and Ambiortus are both carinates, but their relationships cannot be resolved in greater detail. The relationships of the Enantiornithes may lie within the Carinatae or these two taxa may be sister-groups. Gobipteryx is a neornithine and possibly the sister-group of the Palaeognathae.This analysis indicates that major patterns of morphological change took place at the time of origin of the ancestors of the Ornithurae and the Carinatae. Ornithurine innovations included major changes throughout the skeleton, whereas those of the carinates, while substantial, were primarily restricted to the pectoral girdle and forelimb. The phylogenetic results, in conjunction with the known ages of fossil taxa, indicate that the early lineages of birds very likely arose in the Jurassic. The early cladistic events within the neornithine lineage are also more ancient than generally recognized, and may well extend back to the early Cretaceous.

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