
This paper discusses the problem of educational research and project activities organization while teaching English at school. Despite numerous works and the popularization of this type of activity, for a modern English teacher there are a number of difficulties both at the level of organization and at the level of implementation of project activities in the subject. An important factor determining the success of educational research activities is the research and educational motivation of students as well as teachers. To determine the difficulties faced by a teacher or a head of the educational unit in charge of this issue, the authors of the paper created and conducted a survey of two pedagogical teams. The survey results were analyzed. The authors propose an algorithm for organizing and implementing project activities at school. The authors conclude that a teacher and a student should have a clear idea of what the project is, what they need to do and what encouragement awaits them if the project product meets all quality criteria. The paper can be of interest to beginner teachers, heads of methodological associations, deputy directors who oversee educational research and project activities in subjects.

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