
Within research in article the special attention is paid to the organization of distance training by means of the specialized local tool information systems oriented to provision of a certain set of educational services on the Internet. On the basis of the carried-out analysis advantages of platforms of distance training are noted: availability, a personifitsirovannost, a modularity on structure, usability, etc. Characteristics «the subject - subject» interactions are described in case of remote form of education: an active position trained in the course of activities, equality of persons training and trained, the joint problem resolution, game, dialogue, work in microgroups, admissibility of coexistence and acceptance of the opposite points of view. Specifics of process of interaction of subjects of educational process in higher education institution of physical culture on the basis of use of the Moodle platform, performed with participation of students athletes, teachers, the trainer, the staff of department of information technologies, managerial control are considered. Feature of such interaction is caused by need students athletes to combine sport and training in the conditions of long sports trainings and participation in competitions in the cities remote from educational institution. The accurate list of functions of each of subjects in the scheme of interaction is provided. In tabular option the example of a matrix of elements of the training remote rate for students of different forms of education (internal, correspondence and full-time according to the individual training plan) which implementation is impossible without harmonious work of all subjects involved in educational process is given. The schemes «the subject-subject» of interaction in case of distance training in higher education institution of physical culture with use of the Moodle platform are described. So for example, for students athletes of full-time courses educational and informative process happens, generally internally – in audiences of educational institution. The practical tasks provided for independent work (at the discretion of the teacher), are carried out by students in an internal or remote form. The students athletes who are trained internally according to the individual plan visit lecture and seminar occupations partially provided that there are no training occupations and competitions at this time. All required training materials for independent studying are available to students in any time, convenient for them. Unlike two previous forms, students athletes of extramural studies as much as possible use possibilities of the Moodle platform for implementation of educational process. For such students only adjusting lectures and small part of a practical training are internally provided. Dependence of form of education on quantity of the used remote forms of education is established: for full-time – 2 remote rates, for c full-time the individual training plan – 6 and for extramural studies – 8 rates. The determining role of the independent work accompanied with a certain support of students athletes from all subjects of educational process is emphasized: methodical (from the teacher) and coordinating (from the trainer, employees of managerial control, technical support of department of information technologies).


  • Within research in article the special attention is paid to the organization of distance training by means of the specialized local tool information systems oriented to provision of a certain set of educational services on the Internet

  • Characteristics «the subject subject» interactions are described in case of remote form of education: an active position trained in the course of activities, equality of persons training and trained, the joint problem resolution, game, dialogue, work in microgroups, admissibility of coexistence and acceptance of the opposite points of view

  • In tabular option the example of a matrix of elements of the training remote rate for students of different forms of education which implementation is impossible without harmonious work of all subjects involved in educational process is given

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В рамках исследования в статье особое внимание уделяется организации дистанционного обучения с помощью специализированных локальных инструментальных информационных систем, ориентированных на предоставление определенного набора образовательных услуг через Интернет. Рассматривается специфика процесса взаимодействия субъектов образовательного процесса в вузе физической культуры на основе использования платформы Moodle, осуществляемый с участием студентов-спортсменов, преподавателей, тренера, сотрудников отдела информационных технологий, административного управления. Ключевые слова: дистанционное обучение, платформа Moodle, взаимодействия субъектов образовательного процесса, студенты вуза физической культуры, элементы дистанционного курса. Specifics of process of interaction of subjects of educational process in higher education institution of physical culture on the basis of use of the Moodle platform, performed with participation of students athletes, teachers, the trainer, the staff of department of information technologies, managerial control are considered. Рассмотрим на примере использования дистанционной платформы (например, Moodle) взаимодействие субъектов образовательного процесса – студентов-спортсменов в вузах физической культуры. Необходимость студентам-спортсменам совмещать спорт и обучение в условиях длительных спортивных тренировок и участием в соревнованиях в городах, удаленных от образовательной организации, определяет выстраивание специфического для данного учебного заведения взаимодействия субъектов образовательного процесса. Предпочтительные элементы дистанционного курса для студентов-спортсменов разных форм обучения

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