
AbstractThe objective of this study – the first of its kind – was to validate and further analyze the specific e-Government research challenges and opportunities for the enlarged European Union that had been identified in previous research. The study reveals some important indications for future EU organisation and coordination of e-Government research activities.The study outlined the fact that the organisation of EU e-Government research should be better linked along the value chain of research (between basic/theoretical, applied, development and review research). The results of the study also indicate that links between eGovernment research and policy should be made more explicit. E-Government research innovations are positioned in a political environment, where research results could bring innovative eGovernment implementation which would support public value as its ultimate goal, through increased efficiency and effectiveness.In addition, the results of the study highlight a number of organisational research challenges such as: the need for more cooperation, collaboration and networking between stakeholders; the opportunity to build synergies in research across public sectors in a truly interdisciplinary way and between different public stakeholders (i.e. along with e-Health, e-Learning, etc.) and the private sector.KeywordsPublic SectorKnowledge ManagementResearch ChallengeDeployment StatusPublic StakeholderThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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