
The article represents a comparative legal study of the specifics of the order of debtor's property realisation in the bankruptcy procedure under the law of Ukraine and Germany through the application of hermeneutic (used in accessing the essence of the legal framework and judicial practice); axiological (in determining the evaluative base) along with phenomenological (and the nature of the phenomena); systematic (modeling of the functioning systems) methodological toolkit. The authors emphasise the importance of legal provisions governing the sale of the debtor's property, due to the natural proximity of this stage of the competitive process to the financial component, which, in turn, is inevitably associated with various abuses. An electronic trading system had been recently introduced in Ukraine, on which therefore many hopes and expectations were relied upon. However, the electronic trading system did not cope with tasks set, and many new problems were added to the old ones. The article states that the existence of problematic issues in the procedure of bankrupt property realisation is confirmed, in particular, by the court practice. However, judicial practice in itself often becomes a source of problems. The article pays special attention to the German legislation, which uses a radically opposite model of property sale in insolvency proceedings. The authors justifiably propose to make certain changes to the Ukrainian legislation, by using the positive experience of Germany. As a result of a comparative legal analysis of the legislation of Ukraine and Germany, the authors provide ways of solving the raised issues in the article. The implementation of the recommendations submitted within this comparative-legal study should improve the quality of bankruptcy proceedings, reduce the number of abuses by insolvency trustees, as well as protect the rights and property interests of competitive creditors and creditors with the right of separate satisfaction

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