
Public speaking is a process and the informational means, cognitive, emotional, psychological and behavioral impact of the speaker on the audience. However, an issue arises of the effectiveness of such influence and receiving mutual feedback from the audience, which will ensure the achievement of goals, satisfaction of the needs, interests and requests of both subjects of the oratory activity. In order to realize the famous expression of Emil Coe “Every day I use all possible ways to become the best”, submitted for concideration the ready-made tools of personal and professional development, formation and of a professional speaker self-improvement.For the first time, the developed model of oratorical activity is presented, consisting of elements that reproduce its essence, and in which the orator feels an urgent need to ensure effectiveness by performing certain actions, achieving specific goals, implementing a communication strategy. The model elements (public speaking, feedback, reflection, speech preparation) at the same time reflect the sequence and interconnectedness of the speakerʼs actions which ultimately lead him / her to development, self-expression, the development of an oratorical style, the acquisition of oratorical experience, enrich knowledge and skills, open wide opportunities for communication, self-knowledge and others, creative search, self-improvement, encourage a gradual ascent to the top of the public speaking skills.Public speaking is presented as a kind of the communication platform, perception, understanding, interaction, knowledge, cooperation, influence, where public speaking is the main unit and means, and preparation for it is the key to achieving goals.
 Keywords: speaker; audience; public speaking; oratorical activity; influence; feedback; reflection; communication; speech content.

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