
Abstract. Ummar bin Khattab Mosque is in Jati village, Wonokromo which has become a center for worship and education activities for Muhammadiyah members in the Wonokromo area. One of the programs in Ummar bin Khattab mosque is Taman Pendidikan Al Qur’an (TPA). There are some problems faced by TPA management including the TPA program not being optimal, unavailable supporting infrastructure, and an improvement program necessary for parents of students. Therefore, researchers looking for some solution to solve those problems are supporting facilities and infrastructure, curriculum, Islamic parenting psychoeducation, and optimization of supporting infrastructure through community service. Besides, focus group discussion and practice were used as a community service method. Then, Deep interviews, observation, and practice were used as data collection methods. The results show that: there are curriculum and availability of supporting facilities and infrastructure for the activities in TPA Umar bin Khottab Mosque. The curriculum was applied during TPA activities that were supported by the availability of facilities and infrastructure for the activities including Islamic reading books, educational toys, and watching movies together.

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