
This book is based on a report prepared for the Committee on Drug Addictions in collaboration with the Bureau of Social Hygiene, Inc., New York, by Charles E. Terry, M.D., and Mildred Pellens; the executive and assistant executive, respectively, of the committee named. The committee was organized in 1921 and consists of Katharine Bement Davis. Ph.D., general secretary, Bureau of Social Hygiene, chairman; Stanley Cobb, M.D., professor of neuropathology, Medical School of Harvard University; Lafayette B. Mendel, Ph.D., Sc.D., professor of physiologic chemistry, Yale University; A. N. Richards, Ph.D., Sc.D., professor of pharmacology, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine; Willard S. Richardson, secretary, Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial; William F. Snow, M.D., general director, American Social Hygiene Association, and George B. Wallace, M.D., professor of pharmacology, New York University and Bellevue Hospital Medical College. By common consent, the committee confined its studies to the chronic use of opium and its derivatives,

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