
The 1991 Hekla eruption started on 17th of January with an intense 50-min-long explosive phase that transitioned into fire fountain activity lasting for 2 days. The eruptive plume rose to maximum height in about 10 min and the total mass of tephra deposited from the opening phase was 8.6 × 109 kg (VEI 3 event). The principal axis of tephra fall is to the NNE of Hekla and grain-size analysis reveals a systematic decrease in grain-size away from source. Majority of sample sites show typically unimodal grain-size distributions, although a few have bimodal distributions where the secondary mode is a subtle finer peak. The calculated total grain-size distribution (TGSD) is bimodal, with a coarse primary peak (−3.5 to −2.5 φ) and a subordinate fine peak (2.5 to 3.5 φ). The coarse peak is lapilli-dominated and was deposited within the first 25 km of transport, whereas the fine peak is coarse-ash-dominated and fits well with the modal grain-size of samples deposited >65 km from Hekla. Ascent rate of the magma and conditions for vesiculation in the shallow conduit became increasingly uniform with time through the 1991 opening phase.

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