
The Yale stellar evolution code has been modified to use the OPAL equation of state tables (Rogers 1994). Stellar models and isochrones were constructed for low metallicity systems ($-2.8 \le [Fe/H] \le -0.6$). Above $M\sim 0.7\,\msun$, the isochrones are very similar to those which are constructed using an equation of state which includes the analytical Debye-Huckel correction at high temperatures. The absolute magnitude of the main sequence turn-off (\mvto) with the OPAL or Debye-Huckel isochrones is about 0.06 magnitudes fainter, at a given age, than \mvto derived from isochrones which do not include the Debye-Huckel correction. As a consequence, globular clusters ages derived using \mvto are reduced by 6 -- 7\% as compared to the ages determined from the standard isochrones. Below $M\sim 0.7\,\msun$, the OPAL isochrones are systematically hotter (by approximately 0.04 in B-V) at a given magnitude as compared to the standard, or Debye-Huckel isochrones. However, the lower mass models fall out of the OPAL table range, and this could be the cause of the differences in the location of the lower main-sequences.

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