
Abstract. As part of the Modular Earth Submodel System (MESSy), the Multi-Model-Driver (MMD v1.0) was developed to couple online the regional Consortium for Small-scale Modeling (COSMO) model into a driving model, which can be either the regional COSMO model or the global European Centre Hamburg general circulation model (ECHAM) (see Part 2 of the model documentation). The coupled system is called MECO(n), i.e., MESSy-fied ECHAM and COSMO models nested n times. In this article, which is part of the model documentation of the MECO(n) system, the second generation of MMD is introduced. MMD comprises the message-passing infrastructure required for the parallel execution (multiple programme multiple data, MPMD) of different models and the communication of the individual model instances, i.e. between the driving and the driven models. Initially, the MMD library was developed for a one-way coupling between the global chemistry–climate ECHAM/MESSy atmospheric chemistry (EMAC) model and an arbitrary number of (optionally cascaded) instances of the regional chemistry–climate model COSMO/MESSy. Thus, MMD (v1.0) provided only functions for unidirectional data transfer, i.e. from the larger-scale to the smaller-scale models.Soon, extended applications requiring data transfer from the small-scale model back to the larger-scale model became of interest. For instance, the original fields of the larger-scale model can directly be compared to the upscaled small-scale fields to analyse the improvements gained through the small-scale calculations, after the results are upscaled. Moreover, the fields originating from the two different models might be fed into the same diagnostic tool, e.g. the online calculation of the radiative forcing calculated consistently with the same radiation scheme. Last but not least, enabling the two-way data transfer between two models is the first important step on the way to a fully dynamical and chemical two-way coupling of the various model instances.In MMD (v1.0), interpolation between the base model grids is performed via the COSMO preprocessing tool INT2LM, which was implemented into the MMD submodel for online interpolation, specifically for mapping onto the rotated COSMO grid. A more flexible algorithm is required for the backward mapping. Thus, MMD (v2.0) uses the new MESSy submodel GRID for the generalised definition of arbitrary grids and for the transformation of data between them.In this article, we explain the basics of the MMD expansion and the newly developed generic MESSy submodel GRID (v1.0) and show some examples of the abovementioned applications.


  • As the fifth part of a paper series about the MECO(n) – the Modular Earth Submodel System (MESSy)-fied European Centre Hamburg general circulation model (ECHAM) and Consortium for Small-scale Modeling (COSMO) models nested n times – system, and as such a component of the ACP/GMD special issue1 about MESSy, this article documents the progress of the MESSy code development

  • Since this study focuses on the specific development of Isaac, a weak nudging of four prognostic variables towards ECMWF analysis data is applied for ECHAM/MESSy atmospheric chemistry (EMAC) during the first 2 weeks after the start of the simulation (15 September, 00:00 UTC)

  • While MMD (v1.0) provided all the tools required for the one-way coupling of dynamical and chemical models (e.g. EMAC and an arbitrary number of Consortium for Smallscale Modeling (COSMO)/MESSy instances) following a client–server approach, version v2.0 was further developed to allow for data exchange from the client to the server model

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As the fifth part of a paper series about the MECO(n) – the Modular Earth Submodel System (MESSy)-fied European Centre Hamburg general circulation model (ECHAM) and Consortium for Small-scale Modeling (COSMO) models nested n times – system, and as such a component of the ACP/GMD special issue about MESSy, this article documents the progress of the MESSy code development. – It is necessary to couple the model instances externally, since different base models, EMAC and COSMO/MESSy, are nested into each other This in itself prevents the “patch approach”, as the internal coupling or patch approach is usually a feature of regional grid refinements, which is directly embedded in (or part of) the model code, as, for instance, in WRF or ICON, in which the user can specify the number of patches and. To enable check-pointing, one additional communication step occurs during the integration phase: for the synchronisation of the models with respect to the check-pointing, the parent model has to send the information regarding whether the simulation will be interrupted after the current time step This data exchange is implemented as direct MPI communication using MPI_send and MPI_recv. The MMD library routines and their usage are described in detail in the MMD (v2.0) library manual (see the Supplement)

The MESSy submodel MMD2WAY
The submodel core layer of GRID
The base model interface layer of GRID
Simple examples of added value through aggregated subgrid-scale information
Use of specific diagnostic tools: radiative forcing
Two-way coupling of prognostic variables
Model performance
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