
A completely unique coronavirus (2019-n Cov) formally reffered to as severe acute respiratory syndromes [SARS Cov 2] appeared in wuhan, china. The coronavirus infectious disease 2019 (covid 19) has speechless like a shock in fully unprepared world. Covid 19 caused by the novel severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS Cov 2). Covid 19 first emerged in December 2019 all in cluster of patients with the pneumonia of unknown cause was recognized in Wuhan, China. In july 2020, SARS Cov2 was affected more than 200 countries. The coronavirus fevered 79% and 50% genomic similarities with severe acute respiratory syndromes coronavirus 2 [SARS Cov 2] and middle east respiratory syndromes coronavirus [MERS Cov 2] respectively. Several drugs have been investigated for their efficacy and safety in the treatment of covid 19 disease like antiviral, antimalerials, antibiotics immunomodulators, anticoagulants.

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