
Research background: This paper has been prepared as a result of our ongoing research on various aspects of ongoing globalization and regional integration and as a power point presentation has been presented at the recent ACUNS – Academic Council on the United Nations International Conference that has been carried out as a virtual event I June 2021. Purpose of the article: The main purpose of this paper is to present our proposal for the reform of the United nations system in order it could better be serving to the contemporary globalized and regionally integrated world now consisting of 193 member states in difference to only 51 original founding members of the United Nations in 1945. Methods: As for the applied methodology we have used the critical analysis of the existing UN system to identifying its strong and weak characteristics and on the basis of that to formulate some recommendation in order to adjust the overall UN system to the real needs of the current globalized world being dominated by the ongoing regional integrations, multinational corporations, various political and security structures and last and not least the UN has to return back to the full respect towards the first sentence of its Charter i.e.: “WE the peoples of the UN…” Findings & Value added: In view of this, we could state that the results of our research as formulated in the part 3 of this paper could be considered as our proposal for adjusting the current UN system and all its various specialized agencies to the real needs of the contemporary globalized world in such a way like reforming the UN Security Council, the UN General assembly as a kind of the global Parliament, selection and election of the UN secretary General, revitalization of the activity of the UN regional economic commissions, etc.


  • 1 Introduction and some background to UN reforms. It is already almost seventy six years when after the 2nd World War (2WW) has been established on 24 October 1945 the new global organization of the United Nations (UN) at the founding international conference held in San Francisco in the United States

  • The name of the host country has to some extent given the name to this new international organization and as its seat has been chosen the New York City and since that time this is still the same the world has substantially changed since the UN (3) as the most important and biggest international organization has been established almost seventy six year ago

  • If we are dealing with the UN first of all we have to take into account that in time when the UN has been established at the particular international conference at San Francisco

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Introduction and some background to UN reforms

It is already almost seventy six years when after the 2nd World War (2WW) has been established on 24 October 1945 the new global organization of the United Nations (UN) at the founding international conference held in San Francisco in the United States. - China - France - Soviet union Russia - United Kingdom - USA It means that any of these above five permanent members can individually veto and block adoption of any decision of the Security Council (8) and in such a case any such decision and/or proposal is automatically nullified and cannot be implemented in practice The role of the UK as a permanent member of the UN SC was questioned especially in connection of its shameful role at the Munich conference in 1938 where without any fighting was former Czechoslovakia given to fascist Germany in order as they were arguing together with France that they have by this pleasing Hitler prevented the war in Europe what was not the case and it has only further supported military ambitions of the fascist Germany to go to the 2WW

Some main selected problems and weaknesses of the current UN system
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