
Abstract Introduction. The presented article describes the Old Believer movement in the Simbirsk-Samara Volga region through the periodical press of this region. The chronological framework of the work covers the middle of the 19th – the beginning of the 20th century. The presented material touches on one of the dramatic problems of Russian history, the church schism and the emergence of the Old Believers movement. The relevance of the presented material lies in the growing interest of the Russian society in this topic, and especially among Orthodox youth. The problem of splits and divisions in Russian society is not a new phenomenon in our country. The reform, which began as a political adventure of Patriarch Nikon, led to a split of Orthodox Christians into Old Believers and Nikonians. The Old Believers have experienced a lot and in spite of everything they have preserved that ancient spiritual heritage, in which the spirit of Holy Russia has been preserved. The purpose of the article is to define, on the basis of newspaper materials, the role of the Old Believers in Russia, its uniqueness for the further history of the country. Materials and Methods. The main sources are periodicals. The work is based on the principles of historicism to the study of the past. The research methodology is based on special-historical general historical methods – scientific description. Research Results. As a result of the study, the author introduces into scientific circulation historical facts from diocesan records that have not previously been presented in modern historical science. Having a monopoly position in the state and society, the official church in its diocesan publications openly criticized all Old Believer trends (except for co-religionists). The anti-schismatic tone in publications has not changed throughout the existence of diocesan journals. At the beginning of the 20th century, the authorities and the church made significant compromises with regard to the Old Believers, but in the press, they remained the same sectarians who must be joined to the “true faith”. Discussion and Conclusion. The fight against the “schism” in Russia has always occupied a huge place in the life of the Russian Orthodox Church. The official church tried by all means to join the schismatics. The Old Believers, in conditions of severe persecution, actively continued to defend the principles of their faith, traditions and way of life. After the First Russian Revolution, there were hopes for the legal existence of the Old Believer Church. The February revolution completely gave the Old Believers freedom, but new persecutions began under the Bolsheviks. Relations between the New Believers and supporters of the “old times” change in the Soviet era, when both denominations existed under the yoke of the Soviets. Formal reconciliation did not lead to the restoration of both churches, the “historical schism” turned out to be deeper and harder. It can be concluded that this topic is still relevant today. The proposed provisions and conclusions create prerequisites for further study of this problem.

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