
The α′-deformed frame-like Double Field Theory (DFT) is a T-duality and gauge invariant extension of DFT in which generalized Green-Schwarz transformations provide a gauge principle that fixes the higher-derivative corrections. It includes all the first order α′-corrections of the bosonic and heterotic string low energy effective actions and of the Hohm-Siegel-Zwiebach α′-geometry. Here we gauge this theory and parameterize it in terms of a frame, a two-form, a dilaton, gauge vectors and scalar fields. This leads to a unified framework that extends the previous construction by including all duality constrained interactions in generic (gauged/super)gravity effective field theories in arbitrary number of dimensions, to first order in α′.


  • Generating techniques [40,41,42], gauge symmetry enhancement and massive winding sector [43, 44], etc

  • Deformations that contain the first order α -corrections of the bosonic and heterotic string low energy effective actions are allowed in the frame formalism [1, 2, 54, 55]

  • The traditional Double Field Theory (DFT) is equipped with a duality covariant gauge symmetry principle based on a generalized Lie derivative that determines the two-derivative effective action uniquely [1,2,3,4,5,6]

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Generalized Green-Schwarz transformations

The generalized dilaton and frame transform under generalized diffeomorphisms and H-. It was shown in [88] that the cases (a, b) = (−α , 0) and (a, b) = (−α , −α ) correspond to the heterotic and bosonic strings respectively. These cases will be discussed in more detail in the forthcoming sections. The case (a, b) = (−α , α ) reproduces the HSZ theory which contains no Riemann squared terms and the first order contributions are given only by Chern-Simons corrections to the curvature of the two-form.

Gauge invariant action
Parameterization and choice of section
Gauge transformations and field redefinitions
The action
The bosonic string
The heterotic string
Higher-derivative half-maximal gauged supergravity
Outlook and concluding remarks
A Conventions and definitions
Internal double-Lorentz transformations
Green-Schwarz and Chern-Simons
Simplifying the action
The α -corrections to the scalar potential
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