
The distribution of percent of dividing nuclei, parenchyma cell length, total cell number per internode, and total internode length were determined for successive internodes in the apex and growing vegetative internodes of 23 tropical species in 17 families of monocotyledons. Basal intercalary meristems (IM) were found in representatives of Commelinaceae, Cyperaceae, Flagellariaceae, Poaceae, Restionaceae, and Marantaceae. Uninterrupted meristems (UM) which are confined progressively to the upper region of the internode and are not isolated meristematic regions were found in the Costaceae, Dioscoreaceae, Philesiaceae, Smilacaceae, Agavaceae, Araceae, Arecaceae, Liliaceae, Pandanaceae, and Zingiberaceae. Both IM and UM were found in different species of Orchidaceae. The only morphological trait correlated with meristem type was presence of sheathing leaf bases in all species with IM. Both IM and UM are interpreted as extensions of the primary elongating meristem; the IM is disjunct, and the UM is continuous with it. The phytomer growth unit and the presence of internodal IM's cannot be applied generally to the monocotyledons.

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