
The strategy of accelerating socioeconomic development in the country as developed by the Ibenty-seventh Congress of the CPSU aims not only at achieving a new quality of economic growth, but also at dealing with social problems, and improving the organization and incentives of labor. Some extremely timely questions arise in this context having to do with the occupational position and wages of women, who today constitute more than half (51 %)1 of all workers and employees. Working women encounter special problems because they must fulfill not only their work obligations in production, but also their duties as wife, mother, and child-raiser, which are no less important. These issues are systematically being resolved as society's wealth grows by implementing special measures, which, as stressed by the CPSU program, are an "object of constant concern of the Party. " The lbenty-seventh Congress of the Party noted the achievements of socialism in freeing women from economic and social oppression, and in creating for women equal opportunities to work, obtain an education, and participate in social life, and especially stressed the necessity of improving conditions of work and everyday life for women, and of raising the material well-being of the family.

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