
In public health, i.e., in hospitals or health centers, occasional contracts are usually issued for new personnel. However, this type of contracting violates several inherent principles of the workers, causing labor and family instability. This form of contracting does not strengthen the stability of the worker; on the contrary, it generates precariousness, since it does not provide the security and opportunities that those professionals with an appointment have. For this reason, the general objective of the following research is to analyze the figure of occasional contracting as a factor affecting job security in the public health sector. The study seeks to know the scope of the occasional contracts of the Organic Law of Public Service (LOSEP) as a form of labor precariousness which will form a kind of inequity and discrimination of professional staff working within this modality compared to the benefits that have the permanent appointment, which is achieved through a qualitative methodological approach with methods such as analytical-synthetic, historical-inductive and logical.

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