
Due to the fact that consumers are paying more attention to the safety and functionality of food, the authors have developed a functional product based on honey and pollen collected by bees. This product is characterized by high indicators of safety, nutritional and biological value. The problem of bees for its production is that they use old honeycombs, which are not suitable for brood production because of the narrowing of the lumen of the cell due to the fact that each exiting bee leaves behind a cocoon. However, old combs accumulate antibiotics and other veterinary drugs that beekeepers use to treat bees. For the production of this product, which is not inferior in quality to bee bread, the authors used pollen collected in the form of a pollen collector, and honey was extracted from the superstructures of the store, in which brood was never hatched. In other words, the starting material for the product did not come into contact with the nesting frames containing the cells with the cocoons of the emerging bees. Moreover, these nest frames could contain the remains of veterinary drugs. The analysis of the organoleptic indicators of the quality of the honey pollen product and bee pollen showed that, in appearance, the bee bread was a hexagonal strong prism, which repeated the cells of a honeycomb. Its color varied in layers from light yellow to brown. The honey pollen product was homogeneous throughout the mass, ointment-like consistency and orange in color. The smell of all samples is honey pollen. The taste of bee pollen was sweet and sour, slightly bitter, that of the honey pollen product was sweet, that of the honey pollen product with vitamin C was sweet and sour. Comparison of physicochemical parameters of the quality of bee bread and honey pollen product showed that the mass fraction of fat in bee bread was lower by 3.5–3.6%, cholesterol - by 11.2, protein content - above 0.4%. The level of assessment of the production of honey pollen product at a selling price of 4000 rubles/kg, like bee bread, is from 145.8 to 150.0%, while the chemicals associated with the production of the product range from 1600 to 1627 rubles/kg. The profit reached from 2373 to 2400 rubles/kg

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