
This research aims to identify the Obstacles faced by agricultural employees working in the laboratories of the General Company for Grain Trade in Baghdad Governorate. It also arranges the. main Fields of research in descending order in each field. Then, it organizes the Obstacles for each of the seven fields studied. The research population included (As long as the study population is 93, the number of respondents covered by the pre- test is a large number, i.e., a percentage about 33%) subjects were taken for the pretest sample, and the remaining (63) subjects were studied. Research data were collected through a research questionnaire Prepared to in order to determine the determinants of work in silos and laboratories and included two parts: the first part included the personal and functional specifications of the respondents. The second part included a scale to measure the determinants related to the examiners; consisting of (61) items distributed into (7) items presented to professional jury members to achieve face and content validity. Through the first test, some paragraphs were modified, one paragraph was removed, and (60) items were adopted. The maintaining of the form was marked using the mid-segmentation method, and the stability factor was (0.84). The weighted mean, the Pearson correlation coefficient, the Spearman correlation coefficient, T. test) The results showed that the setters facing agricultural employees are medium to high in general we conclude from this the importance of setters the determinants and finding ways t them. Training courses outside and inside the country.

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