
Abstract Observations of nine transits of WASP-107 during the K2 mission reveal three separate occasions when the planet crossed in front of a starspot. The data confirm the stellar rotation period to be 17 days—approximately three times the planet’s orbital period—and suggest that large spots persist for at least one full rotation. If the star had a low obliquity, at least two additional spot crossings should have been observed. They were not observed, giving evidence for a high obliquity. We use a simple geometric model to show that the obliquity is likely in the range 40°–140°, i.e., both spin–orbit alignment and anti-alignment can be ruled out. WASP-107 thereby joins the small collection of relatively low-mass stars with a high obliquity. Most such stars have been observed to have low obliquities; all of the exceptions, including WASP-107, involve planets with relatively wide orbits (“warm Jupiters,” with ). This demonstrates a connection between stellar obliquity and planet properties, in contradiction to some theories for obliquity excitation.

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