
The world economy cannot develop without foreign investment or multinational enterprises. Meanwhile, the extraterritorial human rights responsibilities of MNEs have become the focus of attention in the world today. Certain transnational corporations pollute the environment, conduct commercial bribery, and violate the labor rights in host countries, which causes considerable damage to locals.At present, it is difficult to make a breakthrough in exploring the restriction of social responsibilities of MNEs, and the effect of host countries on the regulation of human rights responsibilities of MNEs is not good. Therefore, this paper will analyze how to better realize the human rights responsibilities of MNEs through the home-state approach. Taking China as an example, this paper will study China's methods of regulating the human rights liability of MNEs investing abroad and compare the regulatory means of other countries to propose improvement for China's regulation of MNEs as the home country, building a more complete, powerful and effective regulatory policy.

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