
The world in which we live is fraught with complicated contradictions and international problems. But in the view of the People's Republic of China, there are two principal global and strategic issues: the East-West issue, or the issue of peace, and the North-South issue, or the issue of development. The East-West issue arose from the establishment of the two major militarypolitical blocs after the Second World War. The two blocs are in direct confrontation in Europe, but their existence affects areas beyond Europe. The key to East-West relations is the relationship between the Soviet Union and the United States. Relying on their great pre-eminence in economic and military strength over other countries, the two superpowers are engaged in fierce rivalry in all spheres, causing sustained turbulence in the international situation. The all-round arms race between them is ever escalating, from conventional to nuclear weapons, from land and sea to outer space. This has posed a serious threat to world peace and to the security of all nations. In our world today, the United States and the Soviet Union are the only two countries which are capable of fighting a new world war. In this sense, the global issue of peace or war is closely linked with the issue of East-West relations. Having suffered enough from the scourge of war, the people of all countries crave peace. They don't want war. They are against fighting a war. On this major issue which involves the future of mankind more and more countries, large countries as well as small and medium-sized, non-aligned as well as aligned, are determined to take their destiny into their own hands. They are actively taking all kinds of action in an effort to maintain world peace. These countries and peoples eagerly hope that East-West relations may be eased, and they demand that the superpowers must stop their arms race and carry out genuine disarmament. It can be said that although the danger of war still exists, the forces deterring war and safeguarding peace are also steadily growing. This is an important trend in the world situation today. The essence of the North-South issue is the widening economic gap between the developing and the developed countries. There are various reasons for this gap, an important one being the existence of the out-dated international economic order which is unjust and inequitable. The world today has increasingly become a closely linked whole. It is impossible for economic growth in the developed countries to continue on the basis of the continuing poverty of the developing countries. Without economic growth in those areas-which are inhabited by three-quarters of the world's population, the developed countries will face difficulties in getting resources, markets and outlets of capital, and hence damage to their own economic interests. The logic is obvious. The relations between the developed and the developing countries should be equal, mutually beneficial and complementary. The developed countries need the

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