
Uterine fibroids are the most common benign tumors of the female genital tract and are associated with numerous clinical problems. Laparoscopic myomectomy is an absolute altermative to standard open surgical technique with comparable long-term results. Due to the wide use and improvement of operational techniques with laparoscopic access, the pressing issue is possibility of its use in women, who have leiomyomas of the uterus and reрroductive intentions. The attitude to the quality of endoscopic suturing of the uterus after the enucliation of the knot and capability of suture during the next pregnancy is controversial. The technical aspects of suture of uterine incisions and also experience and skill of a surgeon during myomectomy deserves special attention. Uterine ruptures during the pregnancy and delivery are connected with violation of suture techniques – one-row uterine suture is compared with layering, and it’s extremely important for the full recreation of uterine-wall integrity after the removal of leiomyoma; wide use of electrocoagulation, which can lead to burns of myometrium with the further worsening of tissue regeneration.Given the need for an individual approach to each patient with uterine fibroids and reproductive intentions, surgical technique, access, choice of energy and suture are determined by each surgeon depending on the size, localization of uterine fibroids and clinical course to obtain the most effective postoperative result. The article is dedicated to peculiarities of the laparoscopic myomectomy in women of reproductive age. Laparoscopic myomectomy, when performed by an experienced surgeon, can be considered a safe technique with good results in terms of pregnancy outcome. Key words: uterine fibroids, fibroid, myomectomy, laparoscopy, surgical technique.

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