
THEOBJECTOFCRIMESCOMMITTEDINTHESPHEREOFCOMPLIANCESUBJECTIVERIGHTSANDHUMAN RIGHTS The article deals with the problem of the essence of the object of crimes committed in the sphere of observance of subjective rights and human rights. It is shown that the main reason for the existence of this problem is the uncertainty of the existing concepts of human rights and subjective law. To eliminate this uncertainty, the concepts of morality, subjective rights and human rights are formulated for the first time, which give a direct answer to the question of what exactly their essence is. The use of these concepts allowed us to come to the understanding that subjective rights and human rights cannot be recognized as the object of a crime. The object of crimes committed in the sphere of observance of these rights is the possibility of their realization, but not these rights themselves. According to the results of the study, appropriate changes in criminal legislation are proposed.

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