
A key phenomenon supporting the existence of object-based attention is the object advantage, in which responses are faster for within-object, relative to equidistant between-object, shifts of attention. The origins of this effect have been variously ascribed to low-level "bottom-up" sensory processing and to a cognitive "top-down" strategy of within-object attention prioritization. The degree to which the object advantage depends on lower-level sensory processing was examined by differentially stimulating the magnocellular (M) and parvocellular (P) retino-geniculo-cortical visual pathways by using equiluminant and nonequiluminant conditions. We found that the object advantage can be eliminated when M activity is reduced using psychophysically equiluminant stimuli. This novel result in normal observers suggests that the origin of the object advantage is found in lower-level sensory processing rather than a general cognitive process, which should not be so sensitive to differential activation of the bottom-up P and M pathways. Eliminating the object advantage while maintaining a spatial-cueing advantage with reduced M activity suggests that the notion of independent M-driven spatial attention and P-driven object attention requires revision.

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