
The mitochondrion has emerged as a key regulator of apoptosis, a form of animal programmed cell death (PCD). The mitochondrial permeability transition (MPT), facilitated by a pore-mediated, rapid permeability increase in the inner membrane, has been implicated as an early and critical step of apoptosis. Victorin, the host-selective toxin produced by Cochliobolus victoriae, the causal agent of victoria blight of oats, has been demonstrated to bind to the mitochondrial P-protein and also induces a form of PCD. Previous results suggest that a MPT may facilitate victorin's access to the mitochondrial matrix and binding to the P-protein: (i) victorin-induced cell death displays features similar to apoptosis; (ii) in vivo, victorin binds to the mitochondrial P-protein only in toxin-sensitive genotypes whereas victorin binds equally well to P-protein isolated from toxin-sensitive and insensitive oats; (iii) isolated, untreated mitochondria are impermeable to victorin. The data implicate an in vivo change in mitochondrial permeability in response to victorin. This study focused on whether oat mitochondria can undergo a MPT. Isolated oat mitochondria demonstrated high-amplitude swelling when treated with spermine or Ca2+ in the presence of the Ca2+-ionophore A23187, and when treated with mastoparan, an inducer of the MPT in rat liver mitochondria. In all cases, swelling demonstrated size exclusion in the range 0.9-1.7 kDa, similar to that found in animal mitochondria. Further, MPT-inducing conditions permitted victorin access to the mitochondrial matrix and binding to the P-protein. In vivo, victorin treatment induced the collapse of mitochondrial transmembrane potential within 2 h, indicating a MPT. Also, the victorin-induced collapse of membrane potential was clearly distinct from that induced by uncoupling respiration, as the latter event prevented the victorin-induced PCD response and binding to P-protein. These results demonstrate that a MPT can occur in oat mitochondria in vitro, and are consistent with the hypothesis that an MPT, which allows victorin access to the mitochondrial matrix and binding to the P-protein, occurs in vivo during victorin-induced PCD.

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