
In earlier studies it was found by extensive investigations that cod roe and cod liver are valuable sources of vitamins of the B complex. Cod roe especially was found to be rich in B vitamins, and to contain also appreciable amounts of vitamin C. The high content of vitamin A and D in cod liver is well known and has been appreciated for years. In the present paper new data from further investigations of the nutritive value of cod roe and cod liver are given. Only traces — if any — of vitamin A were found (Carr-Price reaction) in cod roe. The vitamin D content amounted to about 80 I.U. on the average per 100 gm. The colorimetric determination, made according to the method of Emmerie and Engel ('38, '39), gave evidence of the presence of considerable amounts of vitamin E. Calculated on dry matter, the vitamin E content in roe is nearly as high as in wheat germ meal. The phospholipid content of cod roe was found to be 2.70%, and the phospholipids shown to consist of 45% lecithin, 44% sphingomyelin and 11% cephalin. Investigations of the nutritive value of cod roe proteins were carried out, and gave results of 81% digestibility and 88% biological value. No significant differences among fresh, canned and dried roe were found. For comparison, the same experiments were performed with casein. The results showed that the biological value of cod roe proteins is considerably higher than that of casein. The proteins of defatted fresh and canned cod liver were also investigated in the same way, and gave values of 69% for digestibility and 77% for biological value. No noticeable difference was found between fresh and canned cod liver with respect to digestibility and biological value of the proteins. Growth experiments on rats fed cod roe proteins indicated the presence in the proteins of all essential amino acids.

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