
The number of generations completed by a UK field population of Heterodera schachtii on winter and spring oilseed rape (OSR; Brassica napus L.) during the growing season of 2010/2011 was investigated. The experiments were conducted in pots outdoor using UK OSR winter cultivars (cvs) Flash and Castille and spring cvs Belinda and Heros. The results indicated that temperature was crucial in determining the number of generations completed on OSR during the growing season. At least one generation was completed on cv. Castille, whilst two generations were completed on cvs Flash, Belinda and Heros during the growing season. Development of H. schachtii was faster on hybrid OSR cvs Flash and Belinda, suggesting that the hybrids were better hosts of H. schachtii than the conventional cvs Castille and Heros. Cultivar Flash was more susceptible to H. schachtii infection than cv. Castille, while cv. Belinda was more susceptible than cv. Heros. However, no major plant growth differences were observed between the cvs investigated. This is the first report on the number of generations of H. schachtii completed on current cultivars of OSR in the UK.

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