
WE have received a symposium entitled “The Nucleus of the Atom and its Structure” from the Ohio State Chapter of the Sigma Xi Society which contains a quantity of information not easily accessible in collected form (Columbus, O.: Ohio State University, Dept. of Physics, 1935, pp. 104, 1 dollar). W. F. G. Swarm contributes an account of cosmic rays in which he explains his theory of particles producing secondaries frequently at first and less frequently as they lose energy in penetrating the earth's atmosphere. He also speculates on the origin of the energy of the charged particles. M. L. Pool contributes an article on the energies and products involved in nuclear disintegration and synthesis, which contains a number of extremely useful tables and data on these processes. H. L. Johnston summarises the uses of deuterium as a research tool in physics, chemistry and biology. E. O. Lawrence gives a historical survey of artificial radioactivity and an account of recent work in the California laboratory on this subject. G. Gamow contributes a short article on nuclear transformation and the origin of chemical elements which discusses the astrophysical aspect of nuclear reactions.

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