
Acknowledgements - Notes on the Contributors - The Renewed NPT: Old Wine in New Bottles? R.G.C.Thomas - PART 1: GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES - Nuclear Proliferation following the NPT Extension G.Rathjens - A Treaty Reborn? The NPT After Extension J.F.Pilat &C.W.Nakhleh - The NPT and Power Transitions in the International System T.V.Paul - The Causes of Nuclear Proliferation and the Utility of the Nonproliferation Regime B.A.Thayer - Chemical, Biological, and Missile Proliferation K.C.Bailey - The NPT: Coping with the Best and Worst Cases Z.S.Davis - PART 2: REGIONAL PERSPECTIVES - Proliferation and Non-Proliferation in Ukraine: Implications for European and US Security S.Blank - Japan's Nuclear Policy: Reflections on the Immediate Past, Prognosis for the 21st Century Ambassador R.Imai - Nuclear Imbalance of Terror: The American Surveillance Regime and North Korea's Nuclear Program B.Cumings - Is the Nuclear Option an Option for South Korea? T.W.Park - South Asia's Nuclear Revolution: Has it Occurred Yet? P.R.Lavoy - The Indian and Pakistani Nuclear Programs: A Race to Oblivion? S.Ganguly - Should India Sign the NPT/CTBT? R.G.C.Thomas - Iran's Nuclear Quest: Motivations and Consequences H.Vaziri - PART 3: RETROSPECT - The Realities of Nuclear War: Memories of Hiroshima and Nagasaki J.N.Yamazaki - Index

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