
An in‐vacuum short‐period mini‐gap undulator (MGU) has recently been installed within the National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS) X13 straight‐section. The MGU is a hybrid design, consisting of NdFeB permanent magnets and vanadium permendur poles. The MGU period is 1.25 cm, the overall length is 35 cm, and the gap can be varied between 3.3 and 11 mm. The higher magnetic field provided by the hybrid design supercedes that of the previous X13 undulator device (IVUN), allowing for a greater tunability. Operating down to a magnetic gap of 3.3 mm, the on‐axis magnetic field is 0.92 Tesla, corresponding to a deflection parameter K∼1.07. The performance of the MGU has been measured using a single crystal spectrometer. At a gap of 3.3 mm, the MGU’s fundamental energy was recorded at 3.7 keV with a brightness of 4×1017 ph/sec/mm2/mrad2/0.1%BW/300mA.

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