
We consider constitutional review one of the main pillars of a state of law; it is a guarantee of the supremacy of the constitution, and a total respect of its provisions on one hand and a full protection of individual rights and liberties which are cited on the other hand. Algeria always relied on constitutional review in the development of its constitutions since its independence (except the constitution of 1976) through a political structure called the constitutional council, but the latter was renowned for its inactivity and ineffectiveness, that is why the constitutional founder was oblige to intervene within the framework of global constitutional reforms that the country has known in recent years, in order to concretize its role and achieve its objectives and the principles of legal security However these reforms have proved their failure including in the positive changes made to the amendment of the constitution of the year 2016 , that was the reason that lead the constitutional founder of 2020 think of make a full change of the nature of the body in charge of constitutional review, by creating the constitutional court with a completely different members, is this constitutional court will succeed to purify the national legislative organization, and to clean it from the unconstitutional provisions and to guarantee a full protection of individual rights and liberties?.

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